Women of Mayflower (W.O.M.) The Women of Mayflower (WOM) meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month (Sept-May) to enjoy a light lunch or dessert. There is typically a guest speaker followed by a business meeting. WOM donates to many charitable organizations, and supports the mission and activities of the church and youth. The first Saturday of December, a bazaar is held offering food and local vendors.
Men of Mayflower (M.O.M.) Singles meet monthly for a meal and socialization planned by different members of the group. Various restaurants are enjoyed, as well as special events such as a game night, potlucks and picnics, and going to the Sweetheart dinner together. ANY single member or friend of Mayflower is encouraged and welcome to join in the fellowship. Community Garden Since the Mayflower Community Garden began in 2009, the garden is open to the whole community. For $25 you can rent a plot 4’ X 8’ for the year. You can grow whatever you choose. Each gardener is expected to help out with general maintenance of the mission plots, from which we gift food for those in need. If you are interested, contact the office for an application. Choir "spends more time laughing that we do singing." That’s because we all love each other and feel comfortable singing together. Mayflower Choir meets every Wednesday night during the school year from 7 to 8 pm and Sunday mornings at 9 am to perfect our anthems, have coffee, and laugh just a bit more. To join the Mayflower Choir, you need to be able to read music, stay on pitch, have a good sense of humor, and most of all, make an awesome hot dish for the annual Choir party! Julie Bishop is our beloved Director. Want to get involved in another way? Join us at a Pride Parade, call about the Women's AA group that meet here, join us for our Annual Christmas Bazaar & Salad Luncheon on the first Saturday in December...check our Calendar or Newsletter for more upcoming ways to join in! If any of these activities interest you, we would love to share the joy and welcome of our church home. Please contact the Office at 656-5414 or [email protected] for current information. |