Our Address
2940 Poly Drive Billings, MT 59102 |
Worship with Us
Sundays / 10:00 am In-person, Zoom, or Facebook Live Office Hours Weekdays / 8:00 am - 2:00 pm Mayflower is a United Church of Christ Congregational local church community of women, men, youth and children who seek to worship and serve God in the midst of a progressive understanding of our place and call in a diverse, exciting and promise-filled creation. Mayflower has declared itself to be a Just Peace Church, a Creation Justice Church, and an Open and Affirming Congregation where ALL are welcome for worship, nurture and growth. We try to follow the example and spirit of the Christ who cares for and about all within the human family. We don’t always agree with each other, but we do look for ways to appreciate and respect our variety of perspectives and our diversity of gifts with thanks to God that there is always more light to break forth from the word. |
We strive to be inclusive.
A Nursery is available for infants through four years old.
Large print worship resources and assisted hearing devices are available.
Wheelchair ramps and automatic doors are located at the main entrances.
Bathroom facilities are available that are both wheelchair accessible and gender neutral.
We welcome you to join us after worship to get to know others over a cup of coffee or call any time to make an appointment with our Pastor.
A Nursery is available for infants through four years old.
Large print worship resources and assisted hearing devices are available.
Wheelchair ramps and automatic doors are located at the main entrances.
Bathroom facilities are available that are both wheelchair accessible and gender neutral.
We welcome you to join us after worship to get to know others over a cup of coffee or call any time to make an appointment with our Pastor.
Our Mayflower Staff
Reverend Amy Carter, Minister |
Kim Harris, Director of Children & Youth Ministries |

Brigid Shearer, Nursery
Brigid Shearer was born and raised in Billings, Montana. She grew up attending First Congregational Church and at 18 started summer work at Camp Mimanagish. Brigid graduated from the University of Montana with a bachelors in Social Work. Since graduating, she has worked with children in private home, daycare, and classroom settings. Brigid's passion is helping children develop their own unique personality and how to be the best versions of themselves. She's also a firm believer in letting kids know that even when they aren't at their best, they are loved and safe. "Meet the child where they are."